Friday, January 12, 2007

Day Four - Ouch

My hands were hurting too much today to trust quick reaction time for the 'Not Blue, Shoot It" crowd.

I did learn what NBSI meant though. So that's something I guess.

The o.o folks are quite the paranoid bunch.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day Three - Called Due to Book

No, seriously.

The next book in the series I'm reading arrived today.

I'll be back trying to figure out o.o tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Day Two - Meet the Neighbors - Get Shot

Ok, I'm going to try to go through to some hotspots in Insmother. However, I seem to be running into the Russian section of the galaxy. Hmm.

Followed a small group through a few systems by accident, but eventually made a wrong turn and lost them.

Where am I?

DG-8VJ - - - Found a pitstop, but it wont let me in. Place is owned by The Galactic Empire, who's a member of the Lotka Volterra. Hmm. Looks to be a German establishment. Could go for some German sausage and chips.

Oh well, next...

I find that there's another station here, owned by the same alliance. However, this bunch speaks English. After orbiting their station for about four or five minutes, I get spoken to for the first time since I started this venture.

[15:59:46] Tusal > jappa an alt?
[16:00:14] Japa Voheem > Oh, I'm sorry, no. *waves*
[16:00:35] Tusal > np :)
[16:00:49] Japa Voheem > Tourist
[16:00:59] Alyxia Onosai > terrorist?
[16:01:09] Tusal > check the light show Ø=
[16:01:11] Japa Voheem > Ouch!
Let's see, I think a couple of missiles dinked past my hull, but it didn't look like he was going to quit. I zipped out to my warpgate waypoint, then to the planet nearby so I could still talk to this bunch in Local, while nursing my shield wounds.
[16:01:16] Japa Voheem > That wasn't very nice...
[16:01:40] Tusal > who said i was nice :)
[16:01:46] Tusal > but i am corrupt i can be paid off hehe
[16:01:55] Japa Voheem > LMAO
[16:02:08] Japa Voheem > You sound like my old boss
[16:02:53] Tusal > never mind me havent goten my coffe yet today
[16:03:00] Blueice Moon > not only is he corrupt, he will follow you to each gate in the region and charge a tarif to use it
[16:03:13] Blueice Moon > then blow you up when u use last gate
[16:03:15] Japa Voheem > *laughs*
[16:03:35] Japa Voheem > This is so getting blogged...
[16:03:37] Tusal > my mom says i am nice at the bottom, just a mile down
I diddle with the controls and figure out that I can't orbit a planet... Wha? That's just dumb. NASA would have a field day. So I do the only logical thing... attempt to orbit the planet manually. Hmmm, point that way and go... and go... and go... jeeze space is big.

While I'm fuming over this, Tusal (the guy that shot me) said that I should buy something from the local market, while his buddies were going over who was better, Microsoft or Linux. I enter that banter a bit and fully realize that they're talking behind my back in their Corp chat, trying to figure out who the hell I am most likely.

In the meantime, they switched to talking about the evils of marketing.
[16:13:10] ChalSto > Marketing -> bad bad ppl
[16:13:16] Japa Voheem > LOL
[16:13:36] Japa Voheem > Alll marketing people are some form of bad
[16:14:07] Japa Voheem > especially when they do things to force the direction of the company
[16:14:55] Tusal > market people i got control on mine
[16:15:00] ChalSto > we´ll.......i heard a rumor, that marketing ppl come to hell at the end of their
[16:15:00] Tusal > they jump when i say so :
[16:15:02] Tusal > :)
[16:15:23] ChalSto > *cough*
[16:15:39] Japa Voheem > Of corse they do, hell needs good marketing so I hear.. =p
[16:15:44] Tusal > but they are easy to tame
It's at this point that I notice a new square has arrived in "orbit" around this planet, about 250 kliks behind me.
[16:16:33] Japa Voheem > I see a sneaky
[16:16:47] Tusal > who is sneaky?
[16:17:04] Japa Voheem > You is, coming from the blinding light of the nebula
I zip out to an asteroid belt into a small bunch of rats... after a few more jumps like that, I end up "orbiting" another planet just to stay out of reach of the rats.

[16:17:33] Tusal > damn close one :_=
[16:18:04] Japa Voheem > =P
[16:20:31] Japa Voheem > Honestly though, I'm not a threat. No need to chuck things in my general direction.
[16:20:42] Japa Voheem > Just want to talk.
[16:21:04] Tusal > i like the face+to+face talks better :)
[16:21:23] Japa Voheem > LoL but you shot me!
[16:21:35] Tusal > just teasing
[16:21:39] Alyxia Onosai > i would shoot you too
[16:22:22] ChalSto > i want to shoot him, too )):
[16:22:23] Japa Voheem > What... is it because I look like a neo post modern Uncle Fester?
[16:22:52] Alyxia Onosai > no, because you are in our turf
[16:23:23] Japa Voheem > Ok... guess this is a box checked for anti social... no problem.
[16:23:30] ChalSto > flying as a neutral into 0.0 space, is like parking a pink motor-cicle at a bikers-bar
[16:23:40] ChalSto > you will
[16:23:47] Keatahr Brohm > lol

[16:24:53] Japa Voheem > =(
[16:24:56] Alyxia Onosai > i am really frindly and kind young man, ok. i dont like to take a walk on the beach and i dont help elder ppl over the street but if you got a blue star beyond your name im social ;-)
This group follows NBSI rules. ( Not Blue Shoot It )

Disappointing. Well, as much as I liked being chased through the system for a half an hour, (which was kinda fun), I had stuff to do. Like write this and go eat. The gaff about not helping older folk across the street didn't endear them to me either.

In all this, I still haven't found a decent pitstop. I'm guessing that the makers of the alpha pod figured desperation into those holes in the floor. Bastards.

To be continued...

Monday, January 8, 2007

Day one...

Jan 8 - 2007 - Usteli to Ennur to parts unknown. Well, I'm not going to remember places that have no decent name.

Into the breach, go I... to Emmur - through a couple of podkills - with my flashy Gallente Shuttle, the 'Screenshot I'. I have no doubt that the name will be repeated with a plethora of numbers by the time this is said and done.

"The Screenshot I" - Gallente Shuttle

So far this looks suspiciously like hisec space, although I have been zipping from stargate to stargate, like a pig greased for a race. First stop in Lowsec Space - Ennur VIII M6 - Republic Parliament Treasury. Hah, it's a bank!

One of the things that you have to worry about as you get older, is knowing the proper pitstops on your trip.... You see, you have to make frequent stops, so it's a good idea to map out where rest stops and bathrooms are along your trip far in advance. I mean, it's not like you can just pull over to the nearest asteroid and whip it out... For one thing, the 'enhancer pump effect' is to the Nth degree, since the vacuum of space is what they are based on. I bet you didn't know that did you?

Oh, as a side note, someone remind me to send a complaint to the Minmatar Republic Military School. These Alpha Clone Pods have no regard for toiletry necessities. I mean really. Have some sensibilities. A hole in the deck for each is hardly sanitary now is it?

So... where to go, what to do... Let's see if we can find another rest stop on the map. Mmmmmmm-nnnno. Ok, nothing. Well. Let's look out for podkills.... great, one went xplody in the system I'm in, just outside the station. And, where I want to go, has to go through a place where 10.... sorry, make that 11 podkills have happened in the last hour.

Makes sense I guess. It looks to be one of the systems that has an egress into and from the interior systems. Wish they named it better. L4X-1V just isn't catchy and memorable. Oh well... Wait, let's transfer my clone first... now lets see if I become 12.

Local Space showed three 1337 speakers... sooooo tempted. Must be strong. They're the enemy though! Damn whipper snappers. Warp to the Jumpgate old fool! What're you going to do? Chuck a potato at them?

Ok, I go through the jumpgate and find a small army... of dead ships. Yellow triangles all over my screen, and nothing targeting me. Just me and a sea of wreckage. I think they moved to greener pastures. So, I'm not going to be 12th.

So on and on, 20 jumps to random places... and... Hmph... nothing. So far this hasn't been any different than running around in HiSec Space. I'll most likely eat those words, and soon. However, last few systems have been ridiculously empty of people. I did remember to wear my aftershave, didn't I?

I think I'm going to take a break behind this cluster of veldspar asteroids and take a nap.

If anyone has any idea of where to go, let me know. In the meantime, I'm going to search my inner eyelids for holes.

Here's a shot of 0.0 space. I turned it into a wallpaper, in case anyone wanted one.

Fullscreen (16x12)

Widescreen (16x12)

Oh, I almost forgot. After zipping through so many systems that had no one but myself in them, I happened upon some drone carcasses. I plucked some mineral out and chucked one overboard, effectively leaving a marker. I renamed it and put this blog's location on the name. Who knows, maybe it will attract attention.

To be continued... Zzzzzz

Sunday, January 7, 2007

EVE - An Elder Point of View

This blog is to document the times, trials, and tribulations of an older, arthritic gamer (myself) in the Universe of EVE Online.

I would like to credit "The EVE Online o.o Experiment" in the creation of both this blog, and the character Japa Voheem. My own experiment, however not quite as insane as the other one.

Unlike the credited blog's owner, "INNOMINATE NIGHTMARE", I truly am a newcomer to the world of EVE. I've only recently registered, due to the ingenious plannings and posts of online friends at my local forum hangout, in their post of the BoB's extermination of ASCN's Titan.

Simply put: It seemed like a good thing to do with my time.

To give a little bit of my personal history, what I said above was true. I am an older gentleman. However, I am fortunate enough to not have started my gray hair yet. That one hair was an impostor and summarily flushed! I am also frightfully arthritic, and in the early stages of Rheumatoid Arthritis... along with several other immune system abnormalities. Those started with the suicide of my appendix. It deemed that it was necessary to puff up and explode in the wee hours of the morning, and had the audacity of doing so a full two hours before I was supposed to be up for the day. The inconsiderate twit.

Now, having taken Chemistry instead of Biology, I wasn't aware of what was going on at the time. In fact, I called in sick and stayed in bed for the day. Only after contacting my family doctor's nurse, was I made aware of how much danger I was in. Now, my wife works nearly an hour away, but after a phone call telling her what was wrong, she was in the apartment in under twenty minutes, getting me out the door. I spent a week in the hospital. After that was taken care of came the after effects: Peritonitis...

To cut an already long medical explanation short, things conspired to make my immune system think that my own body was an invader. Well, not my entire body, just random joints and tendons. And, I mean random... it wanders all over making this and that miserable... and me along with it. I can only guess that the massive infection jumpstarted my immune system into overdrive. This has made it impossible to have a nine to five, or any other sort of regularly scheduled job.

All right, All Right!
I'll quit being the typical old fart talking about bodily
functions, and start with the interesting stuff, OK?

If anything, all of this has made me even more crotchety than I was before. The mere thought of diving deep into lowsec space makes me question my sanity. As a rule, I've pretty much avoided PvP combat in most games, since the ganking, 1337$pa3k!|\|g f***heads make me want to vomit with their decimation of the English language. "RU heeler?" "LOL U $UXXOR$!" and etcetera and so forth. Call it a pet peeve, if you wish. But, I positively abhor leetspeak. That was one of the things I loved about Anarchy Online... The first little beastie that you could shoot at was a two legged rat thing that was called a Leet. *waxes nostalgic*

I can only hope that lowsec space is devoid of such insipid numerical natterings, but I highly doubt it.

Hmmm... now that I think of it, there should be a corp whose main goal should be the eradication of leetspeak and whomever utilizes it.

Now, I've actually played EVE before during the BETA. However, I was rather put off in doing nothing but mining, and it looked to be nothing more than a mining grind with a chat system... instead of an interactive world full of pirates, (Rats, as the NPC pirates are affectionately called), massive star spanning Alliances, (of which the Band of Brothers and formerly the ASCN), and etcetera.

Having read what happened to the leader of Ascendant Frontier's Amarr Titan, and seen the video of what, where, and how the BoBs did it.... Well, let's just say I'll be taking great pains in avoiding that region of space. Rumor control has so many different versions of what happened that I'm unable to discern how he became disconnected. In looking at the latest alliance map, ASCN has imploded from it.

At any rate, I started a paid account after the fourteen day trial. And, I started that two weeks before Christmas.

I've found that things have changed dramatically since the beta. There are missions now, and you can go anywhere where there is a friendly agent to get a job. They might have had them in the beta, but if they did, I didn't know about them. They've also expanded 0.0 space, adding a massive cluster of constellations.

One thing they haven't changed, is simply how beautiful they've made everything. And, there is a rumor that the update for graphics will come Soon™. I've seen the comparison videos, and I must say that while I was impressed with what they have now, what they are upgrading to is simply stunning. They're calling this update "Trinity II" and I can only hope that DX10 will be released for Windows 2000. To be honest, I don't have the cash for an OS update.

I've been fortunate enough to get in with the Corporation from my forum hangout on my main character. They've been invaluable in helping me learn the ins and outs of the game. With this learning, I am going to take Japa into LOWSEC space and see what happens.

If anyone has advice, tips, warnings or anything else, feel free to let me know. In fact, I both encourage, and appreciate the help.
